Another one bites the dust

An old leaning shack is on the verge of falling down on a farm near Chinook, Montana. → Buy a Print or License Photo

I don’t know if it is because I’m simply getting older or if there’s something else going on here, but it seems many of the things I photograph as a simple, rural, agriculture photographer seem to disappear awfully quickly. This week I learned that this neat old building on a farm north of Chinook, Montana in Blaine County has finally fallen. What a shame. I mean, it should come as no surprise that a building in this bad of shape would ultimately fall, but it’s just sad to finally know it happened.

I have a gallery that includes photos of those things that are gone forever. Subject matter no one will ever be able to photograph again. Fittingly, I suppose, I call it “Gone But Not Forgotten.” I hate adding new photographs to it, but I suppose that’s a fact of life.

If you haven’t visited it already, be sure to check it out.

Gallery photos: Round bales (updated)

Farm equipment stock photo licensed to company in Romania

This website in Romania licensed one of my farm equipment stock images (seen above), which shows a John Deere 8970 tractor pulling an air drill while seeding wheat near Conrad, Montana. → Buy a Print or License Photo

Companies overseas even license my agriculture photography. The company here, Tractor Sud, is a used farm equipment dealer in Romania. They licensed a stock photo of an old John Deere tractor seeding wheat near Conrad, Montana as the cover for their new website in Romania. To think less than 30 years ago I was watching on TV as Romania's former communist leader tried to cling to power by shooting his own people on the streets of Bucharest and now Romania has companies active in the world economy engaging with little ol' me, an agriculture photographer, here in Montana. Amazing.

Cold Colorful Bins