A glimpse behind the scenes shows how a magazine is designed

If you ever wondered how a magazine designs its publication this image below offers some insight. Now granted, each magazine does it a little differently, and I'm sure the method below is a bit old-fashioned, but it does offer some insight into the mind of those working behind the scenes to make magazines look great.

This is a mock-up of two pages in Range Magazine using my photos of country kids, which will be featured in an upcoming issue. The process begins when I pitch a gallery of images to a magazine. When the editor or art director likes the idea they will initiate the process of how it will look and come up with a mock-up to pass along to the other staff members for review and approval. Once a layout has been approved the art director will layout the magazine digitally and pass this or its rough digital draft onto the photographer and/or writer to proof and add captions. Then the layout is locked down, the magazine goes to press, and then you will see it on your newsstand or in your mailbox.

This article featuring photographs of country kids will be seen in an upcoming issue. But if you want to see some of those photos now you can visit my gallery of country kid photos HERE.

A mock-up of two pages in an upcoming issue of Range Magazine featuring my photos of country kids.