Photo contest solicits me to participate using my own ag photo

Most of you already know Wisconsin is my home state. Now, of course, I work in Montana (mostly). Because I began my foray into photography while living in Wisconsin I have an extensive collection of Wisconsin agriculture photos as well as Montana agriculture photos. So it was no surprise when a targeted ad appeared on my Facebook page encouraging me to participate in their photo contest. This happens to me all of the time. What was a surprise, however, was the fact that they photo in their ad was taken by yours truly. And it was a photo I made in Montana. This is especially strange since Shutterstock must have thousands of photos of combines on its website for people to license.

Below is that ad. The photo of a combine cutting wheat (there's not much of a wheat industry in Wisconsin) was taken near Tiber Dam on Lake Elwell. It is a photograph I have available to license via Shutterstock and they must have purchased the right to use it through them.

I don't often participate in photo contests, although they are a good way to make a little cash on the side if you are any good as a photographer. And normally I would pass up an opportunity to participate in a photo contest like this one. But perhaps this was fate, so I think I will enter.

Besides, I could use a new iPad.