Cover page has a new photo of wheat

This photo of ripe wheat ready for harvest near Chinook, Montana is one of many photos of wheat I have in my collection and it now graces the cover of my website.→ Buy a Print

This week I decided to change the cover photo on my website more frequently. Not exactly Earth shattering stuff to But with many more options and many more photos as my disposal I thought I should warn you that the cover photo and page might change more frequently in the weeks and months ahead.

The new cover photo this time is an oldy but goody. It is a photo of wheat that I took outside of Chinook a few years back but only recently developed. And who doesn't like nice wholesome photos of wheat? I know I do. And I enjoy making photographs of wheat even more.

Is there a different photo you want to see on the cover of the website? If there is let me know.