Published Farm Photos

Chickpeas photo used on cover of annual Montana Department of Agriculture report


It’s not the most exciting photo and it’s not the most exciting publication, but my photo of chickpeas at harvest time in Montana was used on the cover of the 2018 Montana Department of Agriculture annual report. You can see that cover above. It is one more example of how my agriculture photos are being licensed an used for various projects. If you are interested in licensing any of my agriculture photography please be sure to let me know.

Farm equipment stock photo licensed to company in Romania

This website in Romania licensed one of my farm equipment stock images (seen above), which shows a John Deere 8970 tractor pulling an air drill while seeding wheat near Conrad, Montana. → Buy a Print or License Photo

Companies overseas even license my agriculture photography. The company here, Tractor Sud, is a used farm equipment dealer in Romania. They licensed a stock photo of an old John Deere tractor seeding wheat near Conrad, Montana as the cover for their new website in Romania. To think less than 30 years ago I was watching on TV as Romania's former communist leader tried to cling to power by shooting his own people on the streets of Bucharest and now Romania has companies active in the world economy engaging with little ol' me, an agriculture photographer, here in Montana. Amazing.

Agriculture photography licensed for farm equipment pricing book

Recently a company called Iron Solutions licensed some of my agriculture photography for use online and in their Iron Guide equipment pricing guide. They provide market information to farm equipment dealers to help price farm equipment. Their data also helps lenders and insurance companies and helps buyers guide equipment buying decisions. My photos of farm equipment will be seen in their farm equipment pricing guides and on their website. Above is one of their Iron Guide farm equipment pricing books with one of my ag related photos on the cover.

Two-page photo spread published in Growing Montana magazine

Photo appears on Montana Agricultural Business Association magazine


I am happy to announce that the Montana Agricultural Business Association (MABA) will likely be publishing my photos in their magazine in the future. The name of their agriculture magazine is called Growing Montana. The first time I appear on the trade association's official magazine is this month. Here is the cover of their new spring 2018 issue featuring a photo of green wheat growing on a farm near Great Falls, Montana. I also have a couple of other photos appearing inside their magazine. Hopefully this will be the start of a long-lasting relationship that will last many years to come. If your trade association is interested in licensing my photos of agriculture just let me know. To see more of my photos of farming check out my photo gallery here.