20+ photos of mountains

Crazy Mountains reflections near Melville, Montana. → Buy a Print or License Photo

Having lived in or near Havre, Montana for many years I was not typically afforded the opportunity to make photos of mountains. Sure, I have an extensive collection of photos of the Bear Paw Mountains, but typically people want tall, rugged, snow-capped mountain photos, and the Bear Paw Mountains just simply are not those kind of mountains. That doesn't make them any less photogenic, but publishers want what they want. Also, as a Montana commercial photographer who prides himself on creating photos of simplicity that border on minimalism, the wide open plains are typically much more conducive to that goal than mountains. Typically.

But, it is awfully hard to travel across the state making photos of Montana without seeing mountains. The state's name does come from the Spanish word for mountain after all (montaña). So finally, after all of these years, I'm ready to pull some of my better mountain landscape photos together to create one big collection of them for you.

John Ruskin once said, "Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery." While some might argue that point, Ruskin's words do highlight the majesty mountains do afford. There is something comforting about a tall peak nearby. Mountains are like the sentinel standing guard and watch over time. It's hard to look at a mountain and not think about the fact that for the most part they have remained the same throughout time and that every person before (and after) you who lays eyes upon the peak will see the very same thing. There aren't many other things on that planet where the same can be said.

In my latest installment featuring 20+ photos, I am including my photos of mountains. They are mostly photos of mountains from Montana. I hope you take the time to view (and enjoy) all of them.