Photo's of Montana's Golden Triangle in Montana Magazine

My photos of the the Golden Triangle in Montana are featured in the September 2017 issue of Montana Magazine. The photos of farming were made over a couple of years and they feature a place in central Montana where much of the country's wheat and barley is grown. Replete with fertile soil and arid land the Golden Triangle is well suited to growing wheat and other grains and as such it is a perfect place for this agriculture photographer to set up shop in the spring during seeding and late summer during harvest.

Montana Magazine often concentrates more on urban and recreational pursuits in the past, so it is exciting to see them also throw some props to the rural corners of Montana. I have called the Golden Triangle home for many years and as such it is exciting to share some of those agriculture photos I made there.

The September 2017 issue of Montana Magazine is available now on newsstands, or you can subscribe to Montana Magazine. Whatever the case, you would be supporting the state of Montana and artists like me.