20+ photos of a Bozeman cowgirl

A cowgirl rubs the chin of her horse on a ranch outside of Bozeman, Montana. → License Photo

Real Montana cowgirls are a dichotomy of sorts, which is one of the many reasons they are so special. Real cowgirls are strong. They are ambitious. They authentic. They are more comfortable driving a pick-up truck than they are driving a car. And they are anything but high maintenance. Yet real cowgirls have an elegance and a poise that is hard to describe. The French might might say cowgirls have a "je ne sais quoi," which is a "pleasant quality that is hard to define." There is no equal for that term in the English language, which is fitting I suppose since there is no equal for the American cowgirl either. Big city women could really learn something from cowgirls.

I titled this blog post "20+ photos of a Bozeman cowgirl," but let's be honest...the cowgirl in this shoot hails from Havre and only lives in Bozeman. Nonetheless, Kassy is a real Montana cowgirl by any definition and photographing her on a ranch recently outside of Bozeman was a great opportunity for me to add some more photos of a real cowgirl to my portfolio, which are always in high demand.

I first photographed Kassy back in 2011 when she was a member of the MSU-Northern rodeo team. She now lives near Bozeman and works in the city, but her horse is always nearby, she still barrel races. And as they say, you can take the cowgirl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the cowgirl. That's a good thing. And despite the fact we began shooting early in the morning on a very cold winter's day, Kassy never complained once, epitomizing one of the many qualities I detailed above.

In this my latest installment of 20+ Photos I am including 20 photos from my recent shoot with Kassy. Hope you enjoy them.

To see more of my photos be sure to visit my new Photo Galleries page.