Photos published in the Montana Farm Bureau magazine

A photo of long-time farmer Victor Wagner, of Circle, Montana. The Montana Farm Bureau did not select this photo for publication, but it was my favorite one from the shoot.

I was recently hired by the Montana Farm Bureau to photograph Mr. Victor Wagner for their magazine, The Spokesman. He is a long time farmer and a long time member of the Montana Farm Bureau. It was a joy to visit his farm outside of Circle, Montana and listen to him tell stories about his early days in farming and how he became one of the charter members of the Montana Farm Bureau.

What also made it joy to photograph on his farm was the fact that he has a wonderful set of well-maintained buildings painted red and a windmill. It's how a farm should look. It made it super easy to make some compelling agricultural photos of him and the land he has worked with his bare hands for many years. After posting these images to Facebook it was also a joy to read comments from people who know Victor. Everyone praised how generous and nice he is. This was even more reason enjoy the fact that he shared just a little bit of his time with me to make these photos.