Cowboy and cowgirl photos appear in new book

I've wanted to publish a coffee table photo book of my cowboy and cowgirl photos for years now, but I just have not been able to pull together the resources to make it possible. But I do have the next best thing. Many of my photos are published in the new book "Cowboys & Critters," which is published by the Range Conservation Foundation & RANGE magazine.

This beautiful 160-page book includes many of my best photos of Montana cowboys and cowgirls along with brilliant photos from other cowboy photographers. It is also is brimming with amazing quotes, and touching cowboy and cowgirl stories.

This beautiful hard cover book retails for $45.00 and would make a wonderful Christmas present, but if you act soon you can pre-order a copy for just $27.00 by visiting RANGE magazine online and ordering there. I also have two copies myself and will be giving them away this Christmas season. Here is the link to order a copy of the book:

As for my own book? Stay tuned. I hope to have something available next Christmas.