Two time winner of Country Magazine's "Country Life Photo Contest"

My photograph of cowboys rounding up cattle on a ranch south of Chinook, Montana was the winner of Country Magazine's 2017 "Country Life Photo Contest.

I received some awesome news this week. I submitted the photo above to Country Magazine's 2017 Country Life Photo Contest was the category winner in the "People" category and was also named the grand prize winner. It is the second time in two years I have won the grand prize for their Country Life Photo Contest. The photo will appear in the February/March issue of Country Magazine.

Published by Trusted Media Brands (née Reader's Digest Association, Inc.), Country Magazine is a very popular magazine that features rural America in its stories and photos. Founded in 1987 the magazine has over one million paid subscribers.

I guess if I want to win their contest three years in a row I better get busy making more photos!