I'm the new photo editor for Rodeo Fame magazine

I am pleased to announce that I am the new photo editor for Rodeo Fame magazine; a publication dedicated to covering the personality and lives of the men and women of rodeo in North America. The magazine, which is published in Texas, is undergoing a bit of a renaissance and the editorial team reached out to me to see if I was interested in spending some of my time on the side helping with sourcing quality photography. I was of course happy to help.

They means by which Rodeo Fame found me is an interesting one. As some of you know, I wrote a blog post about rodeo photographers a few years back about a run-in I had with some professional rodeo photographers. That blog post went viral within the professional rodeo community and as a result it climbed Google's search rankings to become one of the first links you see when you search for "rodeo photography." Shocking, I know. Especially since I don't have a ton of experience photographing rodeos. That said, I don't need to be a seasoned rodeo photographer to know what photos look good.

So far in my new gig I have been busy helping Rodeo Fame build an editorial calendar for the next 12 to 18 months so it will be easier to source rodeo photos and sell advertisements. I'm also helping them install some new project management software to keep better track of writers and photographers and the deadlines that often loom in the publishing industry. We are busy creating a new standard and style for rodeo photography largely unseen in the industry thus far and I hope the rodeo photos elevate the magazine to a status where it is instantly recognizable by every fan and member of the rodeo industry.

If you are a rodeo fan (and/or a fan of Todd Klassy Photography), please head on over to their website and consider signing up for a subscription today.
