Ranching photos at largest ag trade show in southern hemisphere

I promised last week I would share some photographs from New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays, the largest agriculture trade show in the southern hemisphere. The very large (and equally impressive) trade show display for Te Pari Products features ranching photos I made earlier in the year where ranchers in Montana use their products and technology. You can see some of thw RFID and vaccination photos in my photo gallery.

Fieldays is the premier agricultural trade show in New Zealand. Every year Fieldays attracts over 130,000 people from all over the world. Fieldays presents New Zealand's agricultural and primary sector with an international marketplace.

New Zealanders consider it an honor to see products manufactured in their small country exported overseas. It is one reason Te Pari wanted to feature my photos of American agriculture in their large trade show display. Their trade show booth has a 3/4 ton Dodge pick-up truck they had shipped to New Zealand. You'll see it above where people were taking photos in front of it. Large American style pick-up trucks we are used to are not seen overseas.

I personally consider it an honor to have been hired by Te Pari to work on this project and it is wonderful to see my ag related photos in use in such a way.