20+ photos of wheat

A field full of golden, ripe wheat south of Chinook, Montana. → Buy a Print

When you live (and work) in north central Montana, you are surrounded by an ocean of wheat. No matter where or when you look you can see signs of how important wheat production is to this area of Montana. Agriculture is the foundation of the local economy. And wheat is cornerstone. So it's natural that wheat would dominate my Montana photography.

This area of the state is often called the Golden Triangle. It stretches from Shelby on the west to Havre on the east and Great Falls on the south. And in between is field after field of wheat. It all culminates in early August when farmers begin cutting their crops and transport it to grain elevators for distribution all around the world.

I have enjoyed being a wheat photographer. Making photos of wheat is enjoyable for me. Hopefully my wheat photography is equally enjoyed by others.

As the hard working farmers are entering yet another harvest season here in the Golden Triangle, I thought it was fitting to feature some of my agricultural photos of wheat in this my latest installment of 20+ photos. They include photos of fields and combines and rows and rows of wheat. And yes, probably some barley, too. But I'm a guy who grew up in corn country so it looks the same to me. :)

To see more of my 20+ photos series click here.