20+ photos of horses

American quarter horses on the a serene open prairie outside of Havre, Montana. → Buy a Print

Montana's state animal is the grizzly bear, but it really should be the American quarter horse. No animal has contributed more to the modern evolution of Montana than the horse. And no portfolio of Montana photographs is replete without photos of some beautiful steeds.

I grew up on a dairy farm and was surrounded with animals, but we did not have any horses. When I once asked my father if we could have a horse he reminded me that our farm once had horses. He said they were hard on fences and always got out of their pen. Yes, they were draft horses, but father didn't see an distinction and nor did I understand the difference.

But once I found myself surrounded by horses in Montana I realized how majestic and wonderful these animals are. I totally understand now why some people are so enamored with them.

This week I dedicate a page in my blog to 20+ photos of horses, virtually all of which were taken in eastern Montana. Most are domestic, some are wild, but they all posses the same spirit that all horses have.

For more from my series of 20+ photos be sure to click on the link below:


Thanks again.