20+ photos of green

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Happy St. Patrick's Day. To celebrate this very special occasion I thought I would dedicate this week's edition of 20+ photos to photos of things that are green...especially with spring right around the corner.

When I looked through my collection of photographs it was a tad harder than I would have thought to find some green photographs to share on St. Patrick's Day eve, but I managed to find a few.

Green is a favorite color of mine. In Ancient Egypt the color green was considered the symbol of regeneration and rebirth, made possible by the flooding of the Nile every spring. Ancient Greece, on the other hand, sometimes considered green and blue the same color. In fact, the same word sometimes described the color of the sea and the color of trees in Greece. The Romans on the other hand had a greater appreciate for the color green, probably because they were among the first to perfect a decent pigment to use for coloring with the green. The Romans considered green the color of Venus, the goddess of gardens, vegetables and vineyards. And green is also a symbol of Ireland, which is often referred to as the "Emerald Isle," and that is why green is also associated with St. Patrick's Day in America.

For those not from Montana, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated everywhere in the state, but most notably in Butte, Montana, which has a higher concentration of Irish Americans than most places, primarily because many Irish people immigrated there to work in the mines. I have yet to experience St. Patty's Day in Butte, Montana to make photographs of Montana there, but I would like to do so. I hear it's a hoot.

So, without further ado, here are 20+ photos of things that are green.

Now I need to get back to making my corned beef and cabbage.