20+ photos of winter

Freshly fallen snow clings to a little red barn on a small farm in the trees. → Buy a Print

The winter of 2013-2014 will probably go down in history as one of the least enjoyable winters the United States has seen in a long time. Polar vortexes, blizzards, and harsh wind chills affected much of the nation. Fortunately this winter wasn't too rough on those of us who live here in Montana.

As a photographer I hate to see winter go, much to the chagrin of friends who don't enjoy hearing me pray for another snow storm. Truth is I enjoy making Montana photography in the winter. I enjoy traipsing through the snow and challenging myself and my gear. But like this time every winter, even I am ready to see winter end.

Before Old Man Winter has a chance to say his final good-byes for yet another year I thought I would show you some of my favorite winter photographs. You will see, like most of my photos, there is a common theme. I enjoy photographing the rural countryside in winter, but even urban settings can provide some wonderful opportunities to excite me.

So without further ado I give you my 20 (or more) favorite photographs of winter. I hope you enjoy.

See more from my 20+ photos series here.