Working with Norman's to be my local Havre retail outlet

Norman's Ranchwear and Sportswear Logo

For a long time I have been struggling to find a place in Havre to sell my brand of fine art prints of Montana rural photography and cowboy photography to local residents and tourists who pass through town. Well, after a great deal of thought and a little bit of effort I believe I have found the perfect place...Norman's Ranchwear and Sportswear. Conveniently located in downtown Havre just a block from the train station and around the corner from Havre Beneath the Streets, Norman's is frequented by locals and tourists alike.

I spoke to the owners and shared my vision for what I want to do and they seemed to embrace the plans nicely. Over the next few months they will set aside space in their store for the different retail items I sell, including print, books, and calendars. I plan to really look the point-of-sale location in Norman's look nice and so it really stands out. Hopefully I can also talk them into giving me some window or sign space outside of the store, too. 

Once I have a Havre location set up I will then concentrate on a retail location in Bozeman, Livingston, and perhaps White Sulphur Springs. Why White Sulphur Springs?

More on that later.