My gift shop has a new look

The Todd Klassy Gift Shop on my website has undergone some extensive changes over the summer. For starters it has a new look. which will hopefully make it easier to navigate. Also, there has never been more photos to chose from at the gift shop. There are 1200 images in the gift shop, and before Thanksgiving there should be another 400 more. Lastly, it is much easier to find that special photo at my gift shop. You can sort photos by those that are best sellers, random shots, those with the most comments, most votes, recently added, recently commented on, and recently sold. I will also have a gallery of photos that matches exactly the photo galleries on my website. And as always there is a search bar so you can search by keyword.

If you are unable to find a certain photo in my gift shop be sure to email me and I will be happy to help you.

In another month or so you will also be able to buy the 2017 Montana calendar from my website, sign up for workshops, purchase gift cards, and much, much more.