Helping to launch Montana's only agriculture magazine: Farm406


The idea started a year ago when an out-of-state publication began publishing an annual magazine promoting Montana agriculture. It was a slick publication, but the only problem was that for the most part its writers were from out of state, it's photographs were stock photos from out of state, it's editors were from out of state, and it was printed out of state. It was anything BUT a Montana magazine. So I began talking to some publishers in Montana to see if there was a way for Montana to publish its own agricultural magazine.

That's when I met the good people at Winston Publishing in Great Falls. They have a wonderful track record publishing Signature Montana magazine and the official magazine for Great Lakes Airlines: Peaks & Plains. They were already working on the idea of a agriculture magazine, which was perfect.

After many meetings and doing what I could do to help Winston Publishing get this fledgling publication off the ground, I can tell you that Montana's only private agriculture magazine (not already affiliated with an association or group) is getting ready to launch. It will be called Farm406 and it will cater to Montana's farmers and ranchers. The first issue will be freely distributed across the state come January.

What will my role in this new magazine? Of course I am to provide as much farm and ranch photography as possible, and I will also be approaching my contacts in Montana's agricultural industry to see if they wish to advertise in this publication. I may even write an article or two.

So be on the lookout for the first issue of Farm406. I think you're going to love what you see.