My online photo editing workshop will begin this January

Every photographer cringes a little when someone sees a nice photo they made and then hear the words, "Gee, you must have a really nice camera." That's because there's much more than goes into making a photo than pressing a button. Not only is there much planning before a shoot and detailed thought and settings made during the shoot, there is also a great deal of time developing and editing a photograph after the shoot.

When it comes to photo editing I'm often asked, "How did you do that?" Well, the veil of secrecy will be lifted for the first time this winter when I host an online workshop starting on January 3rd. The workshop will include me hosting a 90+ minute class online every Tuesday evening. Don't worry if you're busy on Tuesdays; the classes will be stored and available for you to watch later. Then on Thursdays I will provide a critique of your week's work online and provide some more individual one-on-one attention. The workshop will last 12 weeks and conclude on March 23rd.

What do you need to attend? Not much. A camera, an Internet connection, and some photo editing software. There are dozens of free options available online, and most of them work similarly, but I will encourage all attendees to have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, which is Photoshop's low cost alternative. Photoshop Elements is very inexpensive and it will help turn your average photos into stars.

Above is an example of the power of editing a photograph. The underlying image is how the photograph looked coming straight out of my camera. And the image on top is what a few minutes spent editing a photograph can do. Some might think editing a photograph is difficult. And while learning new software can be daunting, pick-up the tricks of Photoshop and other photo editing software is a lot easier than you think. What's more, there's much theory and thought behind the scenes that goes into editing a photograph, too. And I will be sharing those with you, along with some tips and tricks to using your camera, too.

The cost of the workshop will be $15 per week. And when we're done I am positive you will see photography in a whole new light. More details to follow soon.