Madison photos for sale in Wisconsin

For several months now my fine art photos of Madison, Wisconsin have been for sale at Paoli Gallery and Print Shop in the tiny town of Paoli, Wisconsin outside of Madison. It is right across the street from the Paoli Pub. in the old Totally Wired retail store. My signed photos are available as 9x13, 11x15, and 14x21 prints. They are also available on note cards. According to John Cioci, the shop owner, they have been selling very, very well. That, of course, makes us both very, very happy.

Above are a few photographs of the display, which will grow some between now and Christmas. My 2017 Wisconsin calendar will also be for sale at the Paoli Gallery and Print Shop, too.

My only regret is that I had some places in Montana to sell my images like this, too. Especially in Havre and other communities in the central part of the state. If you know of a gallery or shop that might be interested please be sure to let me know.