Visiting every Montana county

One of the photo projects I have been working on this past year is an effort to visit every Montana county and create an online gallery of images that tell the story of that county. By the end of next week I will launch new photo galleries for Teton County and Pondera County, which are both located in north central Montana. And before year's end I expect to have Liberty County and Phillips County done, too.  Galleries for Hill County, Blaine County, Chouteau County, Fergus County, Meagher County, and Fallon County have already been launched.

Above is a map with my plans for the upcoming years. Of course plans are often broken, but I have a good feeling I will be able to stick to this plan.

Montana is the 4th largest state in the country. So visiting each of the 56 counties and creating a gallery of images worth of public consumption is a big task indeed. But I think doing so will be good for my photography and for my business for many reasons. Next year I plan to devote most of my time to photographing south central Montana. I also hope to create some galleries in the extreme northwest corner of the state. I'll be spending some time there since I will have work to do in eastern Washington and both Lincoln and Sanders Counties will provide an excellent base of operation for that work so I can still make more Montana photography. And with me crisscrossing the state I'll be able to make even more photos for existing galleries, too.

If you have not yet visited my photo galleries, please check them out.