Published Montana Photos

Photo featured in Montana Magazine


One of my Montana stock images appeared in the July 2018 issue of Montana Magazine. It is a photo of an old truck sitting alone on the Montana prairie south of White Sulphur Springs near the unincorporated dot on the map known a Lingshire. It was one of many of my photos used in the magazine’s recurring "Pure Montana" feature as seen above. Check out more of my Montana stock photography by viewing all of my different photo galleries right here.

Some sad news: Montana Magazine is closing


I have some sad news for Montanans. This week Montana Magazine, Montana's oldest periodical, has published its final issue. The magazine, which is owned by Lee Enterprises (the same company that owns many daily newspapers in Montana and across the country), decided it was time to close the magazine's doors. The final issue will appear on newsstands early next week.

Many of my Montana photos have appeared on the cover of Montana Magazine and inside the magazine too, so it is especially sad news for me. Millennials simply do not read newspapers and magazines like people once did. The only silver lining is that I have the honor of having my photo appear on the cover of the final issue (see above). I also have the bittersweet honor of having the final photo published in the back of the magazine, too. If you want a piece of Montana history and keepsake be sure to pick up a copy of the magazine soon. They probably won't last long.

Goodbye, Montana Magazine. It was nice knowing you.

One of my small town photos in Montana Magazine


One of my small town photos of rural America appears inside the May/June 2018 issue of Montana Magazine. It is a photo of a beautiful old neon sign that has been restored in Chinook, Montana, a quiet small town located in Blaine County, Montana. Some refer to the sign as "The Lady in the Glass." Others call it "The Ass in the Glass." Whatever it is called, it is a beautiful old sign. And when some friends asked me to make photos of a cowboy wedding in Chinook, Montana, I couldn't help but photograph them in front of this same sign.

Photo of rural southeast Montana appears on cover of Montana Magazine


One of my Montana landscape photos appears on the cover of the May/June 2018 issue of Montana Magazine. It is a photograph of the wind swept grassy plains near Baker, Montana in rural Fallon County. I took it on a beautiful summer morning after a rain storm had passed through and offered a very tantalizing sky of cotton candy-like clouds. I really loved this photograph and I was happy to find someone (i.e. Montana Magazine) who loved it as much as I did.

Photos appear in Leadership Montana annual report

My photos were used recently in an annual report for Leadership Montana. If you are unaware of what Leadership Montana is, they are a Montana-based think tank of sorts dedicated to discussing and hopefully solving current problems facing Montana. Using educational programming, the group also enhances the leadership qualities of its participants via its curriculum. Once participants complete the program, they join a network of esteemed alumni, including some of Montana's most influential professionals and leaders.

My photos of Montana have been used over the years to highlight the story of Montana on its website and in its literature. It has been my pleasure to lend my support to this remarkable organization and help promote the state of Montana through my photography at the same time.

The mission of Leadership Montana is to "build a better Montana through knowledge, collaboration, and civility."

I think that's a mission statement we can all support.