
Cowgirl stock photography on book cover


I recently licensed the use of some cowgirl stock photography for the cover of a book called Bridge to My Heart. It is the latest western romance novel by author Carolyn Twede Frank

The author lives in Kaysvile, Utah with her husband and a teenage daughter. Four of her other children have already fled the nest. When she’s not writing, she loves to read, garden, sew, and play with her grandson.

It's neat to see my photograph on book covers, and especially when the author notes that my cowgirl photography looks so real compared to other photographers who use models instead of the real deal. I reminded her that the reason my cowgirl photos look real is because the people in the photos are real.

Montana stock photography used in Montana Land Reliance annual report

Recently an organization called Montana Land Reliance licensed one of my popular rural Montana stock photos for use in their 2018 annual report. It was a photo of a herd of cattle in a green pasture near Cleveland, Montana. It is one of my favorite photos.

If you are unfamiliar with Montana Land Reliance (MLR), they are a nonprofit land trust established to acquire and manage conservation easements on rural land in Montana. With headquarters in Helena, Montana, the organization has nearly 900 easements on more than 1 million acres of private land across the state of Montana. It is the largest land trust in the State of Montana, the largest state-based land trust in the United States, and is accredited by the Land Trust Alliance.

Some farmers and ranchers oppose land trusts for a variety of reasons. One of the big reasons is that they can tend to take farmland and grazing land out of production. In doing so the cost of doing business for Montana's farmers and ranchers can increase. The MLR is different, however, because they try to maintain the natural aspect of Montana's beautiful landscapes and actually keep farmland and ranch land in production, as opposed to removing it. And that's a cause most farmers, ranchers, and yes, even Montana photographers can get behind.

I'm happy to see my rural Montana photography in their annual report and I'm happy to support their cause.

Photos of country kids featured in Range Magazine photo essay

I have an article (written by me) and photo essay featuring photos of country kids in this month's issue of Range Magazine.

Too often I'm busy making photos of cowboys in my role as a cowboy photographer I'm focused on the adult cowboys and cowgirls, but unlike children who live in the city and in houses away from a working rural environment, country kids also play an active role on the farm and ranch. When I see them along the periphery I will photograph them. After having gathered a collection of country kid photos I finally pitched the idea of doing a story about them to Range Magazine and the editor liked the idea. Below are the results.

If you want to see these photos and my article, along with my cowboy photos on the cover of Range Magazine and other photos of cowboys in the magazine, be sure to pick up a copy on the newsstands or subscribe to Range Magazine online today.

Cowboy photo on cover of Range Magazine


One of my many photos of cowboys appears here on the cover of the fall 2017 issue of Range Magazine, which hits the newsstands in another few weeks.


One of my many photos of cowboys will appear on the cover of Range Magazine in the next few weeks. It is my third cover shot on the magazine in as many years.

The cowboy photo that appears on cover of the fall 2017 issue, which also includes many more of my photos inside. This particular photo is of Mike Kellam, of Havre, Montana. It was taken a few years back on his family's ranch during the branding season. Mike once asked me why I didn't make more photos of him. I told him he often wore clothes that was too contemporary for my liking. On this day Mike decided to dress a tad more plain and it made all the difference.

You can find copies of Range Magazine on newsstands across Montana and the western United States everywhere.  To subscribe to Range Magazine go to or call 800-RANGE-4-U. The issue with my photo of Mike on the cover will be available in a few weeks.

One of my rural photos appears on cover of State of the Birds 2017 report

One of my rural photos of mine featuring a meadowlark singing on a round bale of hay between Cleveland and Chinook, Montana appears on the cover of the "State of the Birds 2017" report by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a world leader in the study and conservation of birds. Founded in 1915, the Cornell Lab is a nonprofit organization supported by 100,000 friends and members. Its community includes 400,000 citizen-science participants from all walks of life and 14 million bird enthusiasts of all ages.

It's an honor and pleasure to have one of my rural Montana photos appear on the cover of its annual report.