Cowboy photo on cover of Range Magazine


One of my many photos of cowboys appears here on the cover of the fall 2017 issue of Range Magazine, which hits the newsstands in another few weeks.


One of my many photos of cowboys will appear on the cover of Range Magazine in the next few weeks. It is my third cover shot on the magazine in as many years.

The cowboy photo that appears on cover of the fall 2017 issue, which also includes many more of my photos inside. This particular photo is of Mike Kellam, of Havre, Montana. It was taken a few years back on his family's ranch during the branding season. Mike once asked me why I didn't make more photos of him. I told him he often wore clothes that was too contemporary for my liking. On this day Mike decided to dress a tad more plain and it made all the difference.

You can find copies of Range Magazine on newsstands across Montana and the western United States everywhere.  To subscribe to Range Magazine go to or call 800-RANGE-4-U. The issue with my photo of Mike on the cover will be available in a few weeks.