20+ photos of Teton County

A aging old barn stands alone in a field east of Choteau, Montana. → Buy a Print or License Photo

Teton County is a neat little county found on the western edge of the rich agricultural region known as the Golden Triangle and along the eastern front of the Rocky Mountains.

I first stumbled onto Teton County several years ago when first visiting Freezeout Lake outside of Fairfield, Montana to witness the migration of snow geese and swans, which occurs there every spring. It is truly one of the most amazing spectacles one can see. I used that time to also explore the area while making photos of Montana.

Highway 89, which runs north and south through the county, is also a favorite road of mine. While many like to take I-15 instead, I prefer the more leisurely route through the county because it offers many more things to see.

Largely rural, Teton's largest cities are Choteau, Dutton, and Fairfield. Each is your typical small town Montana, but they also have a unique small town charm of their own. 

This is my gallery of 20+ photos of Teton County. There's much, much more to Teton County than what I can possibly reveal in just a few photographs so I encourage you to check out Teton County for yourself.