Photos for Indian Health Services

Late last year I was hired to do a photo shoot for the Indian Health Service (IHS) in Billings, Montana, which is a division of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They needed photographs in Montana of two health care facilities at Fort Belknap Reservation in northern Montana; one at Fort Belknap Agency and the other in Hays, Montana.

Architectural photography is always fun, but it creates challenges, especially in the case of the top photo. It was difficult to create a compelling image of such a long, one-story building. In this case I used horizontal lines to create layers and the natural complimentary colors in the scene to create depth. The top photograph was photographed at day break on a Saturday so there were no cars in the parking lot and the second photograph was shot at the end of the day on a Friday for the same reason.

Montana never know who or what you will shoot next.

The Eagle Child Health Center in Hays, Montana.

The Fort Belknap Health Center at Fort Belknap Agency in Montana.