My photo on NCIS: Los Angeles

My photo of a row of old, crooked fence posts in rural Montana is used on the set of NCIS: Los Angeles. → Buy a Print

A little bit ago CBS Television Studios licensed the use of my 2013 Montana Calendar for use as set dressing and prop on the television show NCIS: Los Angeles. The calendar was opened up to the month of January and a photograph I took of a fence row with really cool fence posts near Big Sandy, Montana. I'm not sure exactly how they found my calendar, but it is kind of neat to see your photograph on a TV show.

Below is a brief clip from that show. You can see the photo (barely) hanging on the wall over the right shoulder of the guy they are interrogating at 13 seconds and again at 28 seconds. In other words, it wasn't seen much at all. But it WAS there.

I wonder if LL Cool J took the calendar home with him once filming wrapped up.

You never know.

Now I can say, "As seen on TV."

Here is the video:

CBS Television negotiated a contract with me to use my 2013 Montana calendar as set dressing and as a prop on NCIS: Los Angeles and the new series NCIS: Red. You can see it on the wall behind the bad guy. It is open to this photo here: