Denning's Greatest Invention


Denning Wire & Fence Company was organized in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1899. Joseph M. Denning had numerous patents on machinery to weave metal fence. As early as 1908 the company began experimenting with farm tractors as a product offering, with its first marketable design appearing around 1913. The company's name was changed to Denning Tractor Company in 1916, reflecting the firm's new emphasis on the manufacturing of tractors. In 1916 Denning introduced the Model E, 10-18 tractor. Weighing only 3,600 lbs. it sold for $800. It had many innovative features, including a spring-mounted front axle. Despite the advantages of Denning's lightweight tractor designs, the company went into receivership in 1919. It was then sold to National Tractor Company and shortly thereafter to General Ordnance Company of New York, New York.